Music is food for my soul
When I'm listening to some song, it can bring all kinds of emotions and memories. The memory of the special summer night, road trips with friends, a great concert or it can just brighten up a rainy day. Some would say that my taste in music is not from this generation. I love music from the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s. There are so many artists that wrote so many great pieces of music. I don't choose specific authors. When I like the song, I can listen to it for days. It becomes my jam and then it goes into the library of music that I browse when I need some bust or tunes for dancing while cooking. It is interesting how every person has their own taste in music. Where does it come from? Why we listen to one kind of music and other is just unhearable for us? In my early age I was exposed to all, our traditional music with accordion, music from my generation and also old time music. For that I’m grateful to my father, with his records and Youtube playlists, whil...